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The ultimate party bus has bachelors screaming for medical attention. Meatwad wins some tickets to the Super Bowl. Facing a crossroads in her life, a divorcee travels to Italy, India and Bali on a quest to change her life and find true happiness. A story of love, life, and a friendship that could only last the night. A sheet-music salesman escapes his wife, girlfriend and the Depression through his songs. An Austrian medical student is mistaken for a Nazi spy at a hotel on the prewar Riviera. An outrageous British woman decides to take control of her life, but instead falls for two very different men. The chatbot itself could also be improved. In a cosmic twist of fate, the Kidney Foundation donates the wrecked car to Meatwad. When Meatwad eats a very important microchip, Frylock must shrink down to retrieve it. An aspiring composer marries a famous conductor with a weakness for gin and other women. Again, Earth is caught in the middle when the resurrection of an ancient Transformer appears to turn the tide against the Autobots in their longstanding war with evil Decepticons.

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