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He is legit fine as hell. And now he's come out to say that even before his marriage he knew that he was gay. But, I would offer up the theory that maybe the public drug abuse, rehab, and mental health issues just overshadowed that? Up until , he rambles about unrelated shit I skipped through , then says he wants her to shill his song on Twitter because it has a controversial line about her, claims he thought about the line about her for 8 months, will rework it multiple times, but his "original" idea is the most controversial, and asks her why she sounds sad. It's all fun and games until someone tips themselves. She's obviously extremely angry at him. Dude was checked out. Wish anons here would be more interested in it but alas Pic related - a reddit post someone made about her and her boyfriend. I'd hate to stereotype a woman with a deep voice as MtF, but I did wonder. This incident should teach girls that you shouldn't trust men only because they claim certain things or style themselves in a certain way, in the end of the day they're still male and capable of hurting you. He targeted only young brunette, would leave them naked and limbs cut after some kind of sexual acts. She's basically found out that the Foundation of the relationship was a lie.

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