Moneyshot pornhub documentary

Moneyshot pornhub documentary

From Totally Under Control director Suzanne Hillinger, Money Shot: The Pornhub Story explores the history of the explicit video platform and goes into the moral contradictions involved in user-uploaded pornography. Zero sex workers were spoken to as part of this. And now we are suffering for it because we can't process payment with Visa or Mastercard because of all this. Please allow 10 business days for your account to reflect your preferences. It seems Noelle still works in the porn industry, but she is now a freelance writer, producer, and historian. What was interesting to me was how disconnected MindGeek was from Pornhub. Retrieved December 22, Director Suzanne Hillinger has created a documentary called Money Shot: The Pornhub Story, explores the platform's history and the ethical dilemmas that arise from user-generated pornographic content, with the city of Montreal as the backdrop. Money Shot: The Pornhub Story. Former Pornhub employees, journalists and activists banded together to delve into the business side of porn and the ugly truths and allegations against the company. But the reveal comes so late it may confuse some viewers, mainly because the film never defines sex trafficking. Additionally, sex workers raise issues they face from other internet companies.

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