Moneyshot pornhub story

Moneyshot pornhub story

Your privacy is important to us. The documentary focuses on a scandal over Pornhub hosting non-consensual pornography, including of children, and how the aftermath affected pornographic performers. The Dancing for the Devil filmmakers want to clear up one thing about the Wilking sisters. On the subject of anti-sex-trafficking campaigners, Rife wrote that the documentary takes a "bold stance": the campaigners overstate the prevalence of child sexual abuse material on Pornhub. Sex workers in the documentary characterize Exodus Cry as a far-right organization founded by an Evangelical preacher, whose mission is to end all sex work. A documentary that sheds light on one of the most famous platforms specializing in providing adult content, and the journey of the rise of the platform and its exposure to many global criticism. Rate movie. See our privacy policy. Quotes Self - Porn Industry Professional : The direct conflation of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation with pornography harms everybody involved. Trailer Photo: Netflix. I knew that was the only way that I was going to make this.

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