Montana blocks pornhub

Montana blocks pornhub

Movies Series. Pornhub takes a stand against government age verification laws by blocking access in North Carolina and Montana. About Us. In doing so, we are complying with the law, as we always do, but hope that governments around the world will implement laws that actually protect the safety and security of users. Representative Zooey Zephyr was disciplined for her statements speaking out against the bill, and since then she's become something of a rockstar. Get our free mobile app. TechCrunch Mobility is your destination for transportation news and insight. The law, which was signed by Republican Gov. The Indiana bill differs from the Texas law because it allows parents to sue if their children access a pornography site that is "knowingly or intentionally" not utilizing age-verification measures. Access to Pornhub, one of the world's largest video-sharing websites for adult content, has been blocked across Montana. It is very important for families to understand that destructive sexual content is not just found in sleazy sex shops. Kirsten Korosec….

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