Morning sex

Morning sex

She holds a B. I get daytime sex, most often, as you can tell from the above. Fitness Health Gear Style Grooming. But physiologically speaking, it might be generally better to have sex in the morning because many people's bodies have higher levels of testosterone and estrogen, two hormones that influence sexual desire 1 , at the start of the day. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. And more blood flow to the clitoris and lubrication around the vagina can mean more sensitivity and pleasure. Green suggests sex positions like the butterfly, libra, ballerina, and the gorge if you want to take your stretching up a level to new sexual heights. I am a morning person but she isn't. Additionally, if you have kids in the house, morning sex is kid-proof. By Jenny Singer. The first half of the menstrual cycle the follicular and ovulatory phases is when your sexual desire is more likely to be higher. If daily sex is a goal for you and your partner, consider taking turns pleasuring each other.

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