Movies with real sex

Movies with real sex

Zelda [ it ]. Gandu Yes, an Indian film also makes it to the list. Who knew that something as cold as an ice cube could be so hot? It's still unclear whether Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland simulated their sex scenes or not because they're so damn convincing. This film is Catherine Breillat 's first feature film, shot in , but banned for the next 25 years, mostly due to hardcore nature of its content. The depiction of unsimulated sex on screen has taken many forms across decades, continents, and political landscapes. The Times of India. Come for the surprisingly sweet love affair between a pharmaceutical rep and a Parkinson's patient, stay for the unbelievably hot sex scenes between Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway. Search Icon. There she meet the lesbian hyper-horny real estate agent Moira. When a sexy, mysterious crime novelist becomes a murder suspect, she decides to seduce the homicide detective to throw him off her trail. The Board unanimously noted a scene which included "close up real depictions of actual fellatio

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