My enormous tits

My enormous tits

Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Uploaded by Sum Lu Zer. Would clothes look different on me if I had cleavage that I could accentuate? Sweet Baby Inc Controversy. Also, they knock stuff over [ laughs ]. I'd really If I wanted a girl with big boobs, I would have picked a girl with big boobs. Pushing my elbows together while leaning over packed-out bars usually meant I got served very quickly; when I worked as a waitress, the contents of my tip jar seemed to swell in direct correlation with the tightness of my shirt. I conceal my breasts as best I can: from the world, from my partner, even from myself. It made me realize why the makeup artist had said she was always trying to cover up: She wanted others to look at her as a whole person, not just a pair of boobs. My breasts are safe for now. Like us on Facebook!

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