Naked jackie chan

Naked jackie chan

Dennis Thompson. But while this is a real martial arts form, the movie plays with the idea that Wong's key to success is actual drunkenness. Not much to see here, guys. Apart from pop culture, she is quite enthusiastic about the Hallyu culture and is exploring the world of anime, expanding the horizons of her knowledge. Log in now. Sign up now Contact Customer Service. Unfortunately those lights were real, and — along with the crew's lights— had managed to heat up the pole so much that Chan's hands were covered in burns almost as soon as he touched it. Police Story - as Detective Zhong Wen. Subscribe Subscribed. Top Jackie Chan Scenes. After jumping a cart his towel gets caught leaving him fully exposed in the crowd! Whenever he's outmatched in a fight, Chan seeks out the nearest supply of alcohol, and pours it down his throat as quickly as he can.

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