Nude swimming

Nude swimming

A Pool Party Hot weather leads to a pool, sex, and love. The primary reason given for nudity by officials was for public health, swimming pools being prone to contamination by water-borne diseases. Mylf , Anissa Kate. January 15, The Sheboygan Press. Nude couple plays in the outdoor nudist swimming pool. If one researches this Nation's newspapers, one will find that when YMCAs ran ads for learn-to-swim, it was stated in both the display ad and in the reporter's commentary that boys swam nude and only needed to bring a towel. The record was set at an annual all-women's event known as Strip and Dip, which was created by cancer survivor Deirdre Featherstone. Three hot horny girls swim together. York, Pennsylvania. Retrieved May 3, In , misbehavior including drinking, fighting, and accidents led to complaints and calls to make the place off-limits.

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