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Ashley Belanger Ashley is a senior policy reporter for Ars Technica, dedicated to tracking social impacts of emerging policies and new technologies. Additional Resources. Check out our support articles for more content. Skip to main content Enlarge. Learn more. Subsequently, Visa temporarily suspended all business with Pornhub and other sites hosted by Pornhub owner MindGeek. How do I remove streaming apps? She is a Chicago-based journalist with 20 years of experience. In its motion to dismiss, Visa didn't mention its past suspension of business with MindGeek, likely because that would potentially counter Visa's argument that "Plaintiff's claims against Visa are all based on an unsupported assumption that Visa could force MindGeek to operate differently. And try to use nicer language around folks. Nobody suing is saying that Visa participated in child sex trafficking, but Carney says that Visa's defense pretends that's the allegation, rather than engaging more directly with the claim that Visa conspired to financially benefit from MindGeek's policies and practices. Roku Community.

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