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Can't wait to enjoy porn now? The Digital Economy Act introduced the relevant legislation, and in March MindGeek announced that its AgeID age-verification tool, which has been in use in Germany since , would be made available in the UK in time for the proposed introduction of compulsory age-verification in April Archived from the original on 18 May Miami Herald. Archived from the original on 24 October Archived from the original on 18 April Broadband TV News. Malware or Spyware Other types of malware that you can contract from clicking ads on Pornhub or similar sites are more dangerous. Canada also has special tax treaties with Luxembourg, the legal headquarters of Aylo, where a Canadian subsidiary is exempt from taxes paid on royalties to its Luxembourg parent. Or do they trick you into deploying malware or spyware? Retrieved 18 April So don't hesitate and get started now.

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