Petition to shut down pornhub

Petition to shut down pornhub

Yet it has no system in place to verify reliably the age or consent of those featured in the pornographic content it hosts and profits from. Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone. Pornhub ranks among the top 10 most visited sites in the U. South Carolina lawsuit on behalf of 9 women secretly recorded. We fight for removing these people from the real world in which we live in and for making them suffer the legal penalty. Because we must end impunity for corporations and executives who have knowingly enabled , profited from , and globally distributed rape for profit for over a decade, destroying the lives of countless victims. Log in Create an account to keep reading. To this day, Pornhub still does not reliably verify the age and consent of all individuals featured in the free and ad-revenue-generating content on the site. We desperately want to fight against sexual crimes. The full story, along with a way to sign the petition, is available at traffickinghub. Or even worse: videos of sexual crimes will be uploaded on dozens of different pornographic websites and, consequently, it will be much harder to track these crimes down. Alabama class action lawsuit lead by two underage victims Summary Tweet.

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