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October 17, at pm. But as president, Duterte has been inconsistent on his views on same-sex marriage; in March , claiming that marriage was only for a man and woman, but by the end of the year supporting a change in law to allow same-sex marriage. Concepts of homosexuality, bisexuality , and hermaphrodites are known in the epics and indigenous stories in Dayawism. June 21, Archived from the original on January 13, June 30, The bakla and gay globality in chris martinez's here comes the bride. Philippine News Agency. In several countries like Yemen, Iran, Saudi Arabia and others adhering to the Sharia Law, citizens can be imprisoned or put to death for practicing homosexuality. However, in the early 21st century, the church position changed dramatically to an extent where the church leadership apologized through an official statement to the LGBT community. August 29, at am ana raneses. Video of the Week Video Archives.

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