Porn moaning loud

Porn moaning loud

Or the noises my lesbian friends report making with each other when there is no man present whose orgasm must be hastened. By offering the vocal sounds their partners expect only when they are actually experiencing pleasure, women become the driving agents in a heterosexual encounter, creating a positive communication feedback loop in which their partner is more satisfied — and thus, so are they, and so on. Adult performer and director Jessica Drake told me that before she made a career out of having orgasms on camera, pleasure was a muted affair for her. This is where it got interesting: What begins as a simple squawking sound soon evolves to mean much more, he explained. I suspected that they were having the coitus of champions, which meant, of course, that there was something I was missing out on. The same goes for sex sounds, he explained. Sign up Sign in. Why were we moaning like that? Tess Barker is a writer, comedian, and co-host of the Lady to Lady podcast. It was unanimous. I was focused. Yet, their most prominent moans did not correlate with that moment of bliss.

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