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Log in now. But that's no longer the case, because women are supposed to like whatever porn creators use to interpret men's desires for what women's desires should be. SFRA Review Some of the less common sexual fantasies women reported in the study were: Dominating someone sexually. Butler Archives — Resources. What widespread male-focused pornography seems to have achieved is a world where many believe that whatever paid female actors are doing in porn is what women enjoy in sex, when the reality is that the women in porn never say 'no' to anything the male directors order, and those things are what the male audience is expected to enjoy. Unanswered threads Acronyms Talk guidelines Hide shortcut buttons. Bernie Sanders and the climate. Suddenly it seems women and girls supposedly demand to be strangled in sex. I think the ethical issue would apply to anyone that even has those types of fantasies. OP posts: See next See all. Log in to update your newsletter preferences.

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