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My Family Pies - Stacy Cruz 2. Before then, I would give him drinks here and there but he was nursing times a day so was getting lots of liquids through me. Hi, I am a working mom. Penelope Cruz - Chromophobia 1. Steph Aug 13 at pm Thanks so much for the helpful article! Beth M Jul 27 at am I am still breastfeeding my 3 year old almost 39 mos once or twice a day. My guy is 8. My boy is 2 years and 3 months mths and still feeds a lot, I did start him on solids around months though just fruit and veggis — no meat or dairy he still has not had dairy and tried meat when he was 2 years he loves berries and dairy free yogurt , he loves broccoli and peas! Right now she feeds every two hours at night. I love this video. Lisa Jan 14 at am Breastmilk does not produce much waste product at all to become stool! I read that some of you were able to travel and resume breastfeeding upon return.

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