Pornhub ban in virginia

Pornhub ban in virginia

Get Surfshark Now. We encourage you to learn more about device-based verification solutions that make the internet safer for all, especially children, while also respecting your privacy. Second, contact your local government and encourage your fans to do the same! ExpressVPN prioritizes your privacy with robust AES encryption, a strict no-logs policy, and its proprietary Lightway protocol, enhancing both performance and security. Learn more. Back in January , we saw the outcome of this firsthand when Louisiana passed a similar law. Premium Subscription. DC Council unanimously approves budget, restoring funding for downtown revitalization and more. Your email address will not be published. Change begins when the public applies pressure and contacts lawmakers. PornHub and other adult content providers have called for a unified system of age verification that operates on the device level, citing the existence of parental controls on most platforms as an example of such a mechanism. The ultimate goal is to strike a balance between protecting minors from explicit content and preserving the freedom for adults to make informed choices online.

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