Pornhub banned in russia

Pornhub banned in russia

The Verge homepage. Contribute today. Meet the fitness influencer defying stereotypes about ageing. Following the ban, one woman asked Roskomnadzor on Twitter whether it could recommend an alternative. Access is usually blocked for violating the notoriously vague extremism legislation or child protection laws. It's quick to set up, and you can be confident that you're making a significant impact every month by supporting open, independent journalism. Rozkomnadzor banned Pornhub's Russian page in , when a court in the southern city of Krasnodar ruled that internet pornography contravened child protection laws and laws banning the distribution of pornography. Watch Live TV. Image source, Thinkstock. Our commitment to providing accurate and unbiased reporting on Russia remains unshaken. Latest Edition Insight. According to Pornhub data, Russian viewers make up the site's 11th largest audience.

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