Pornhub banned in texas

Pornhub banned in texas

The Free Speech Coalition, an adult-industry lobby group that sued Texas over its law, said it "disagree[s] strenuously with the analysis of the Court majority. In addition to Texas, Pornhub has reluctantly blocked site access for people in other states with age-verification laws, including Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Utah and Virginia. Paxton has accused the company of failing to follow the state's age verification law, which requires adult-content websites to make sure viewers are at least 18 years old. Jonah Aragon lays out an array of potential problems with this approach here. Password Required. For what it's worth, a voluntary, device-based technical solution isn't just better from a civil liberties standpoint; it may also be better at restricting access for kids. News reporter based in London, U. Popular on Variety. Mark Gill is an experienced writer and editor with a keen focus on digital privacy. Updated: April 4, Some VPNs are much faster than others, and are more suitable for more bandwidth-heavy tasks such as streaming, torrenting, and online gaming. Best budget option.

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