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On a hike with Simon, Miguel unravels the beliefs, experiences, and lessons that have shaped this stage of his becoming for our Fall issue. Bands like Oasis, Alanis Morissette And I get so much kind of thrill from just writing a song, even if I don't share it, because it helped me to figure something out or to understand an emotional state I was in. That's what makes great art: taking something so common, like a great hook, like a Michael Jackson song, and making it weird. I'll always have to start with the music, whether that's really simple or more complex, but that will kind of just give me ideas and help me to think of certain words to fit the music. I wanna ask you about the show at the Bowery Ballroom on the 24th. We had a really great time. Los Angeles is chaotic. When would you say the process of making the record began? It's still really cool today, with the lights. Junior Amateur championships in On a hike with Simon, Miguel unravels the beliefs, experiences, and lessons that have shaped this stage of his becoming for our Fall issue.

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