Pornhub brave

Pornhub brave

No way around a browser-specific issue. Your video is NobeEdit1. Companies outside UK are caught and fines for non-compliance are phenomenal. Hello, I have a video in a video element on the home page. When you click, it then opens the video in a media player with a black background which you have to X out of to return to the homepage. Please advise. Desktop Support. But another safe browser Brave safe browser should be launched by Brave team for safety of kids and adults who does not want any kind of adult content online. I have converted the video to. I am hoping the safe browser from the brave software team similar to spin safe browser but with some additional feature with it such as translation to other languages. Force SafeSearch Search Support feature-request. You can also establish Group Policy which would block certain features from within Brave, such as the VPN or to control types of websites people can go to.

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