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Match rules: 90 minutes 30 minutes of extra-time if necessary Penalty shoot-out if scores still level Twelve named substitutes Maximum of three substitutions. Then, in the 26th minute, just a few seconds after Brazil kicked off, Kroos caught Fernandinho in possession in his own half and played a one-two with Khedira before scoring again. Retrieved 9 July Welcome to the discussion. See More Offers. Email me a log in link. Brazil Germany 1 7. During the match, the German team seemed to realise that what was unfolding was not a normal football event. Already subscribed? Germany's Miroslav Klose equalled the Brazilian Cafu as the player with most matches being on the winning side at the World Cup, with 16 victories. Edit Close. Only two teams have previously trailed by at least five goals at half-time: Zaire versus Yugoslavia in and Haiti versus Poland in

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