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Even after severing its partnership with GirlsDoPorn, MindGeek continues to profit from Plaintiffs' videos to this day. Namely, pornographers have understood for a long time that a viewer wants to believe that the random guy unexpectedly hooking up with the beautiful woman could just as easily have been him. Ahhhhh jessejane just ordered pizza for delivery. We would argue, though, that the pizza delivery boy is just one of the many minimum-wage archetypes on which porn was built. And even if we did do all of those things, most of our viewers would fast-forward straight to the sex anyway. The plaintiffs are seeking damages under Section of US law , which lets victims of trafficking bring civil actions against either perpetrators or people who benefit when they "knew or should have known" about the crimes. For most of us, our everyday interactions with strangers often involve service people. I like that. Pornhub has faced increasing problems amid allegations that it hosted content featuring child sexual exploitation, nonconsensual violence, rape, and other illegal material. Visa and MasterCard banned Pornhub from their payment platforms last week. She sent a second request that month asking MindGeek to remove the video from Tube8. Channel Ars Technica.

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