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NW: I think that just comes down to who we are as people and how we like to communicate, because we all have such different styles of communicating and the way we paint, or the way we write, or the way we talk. Bocchi female brat x young pussy gets fucked! I end up discovering amateur porn, which turns out to be a very interesting part of porn for me. NW: For the show I was really thinking about the vibrancy and chroma as the colors being distinctly of themselves, and how you could get high chroma, high velocity color to push against its neighboring colors to create a more aggressive and fast-coming image. NW: I would say it's more like stepping into a feeling rather than copying an image. I was interested in his work because he looked at painting for inspiration. She uses sexualized imagery as a way of talking about power structures in the world and pushing back on those power structures. How did you think about color in this selection of work? Do you see yourself working in film or getting into that down the line? The people who made it weren't getting paid for it. What we get to decide in is what pronoun we'd like to associate with ourselves. It was another year in bed and lots of looking at images, lots of looking at drawings, and the copying of classical drawings continued.

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