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But the standards also say they must obey the law and the UK Online Safety Act will soon require much more robust age checks than ticking a box, such as AI face-scanning tech that estimates age. If there is a genre of porn in which violence is perpetrated against a woman, my analysis of the data shows that it almost always appeals disproportionately to women" Stephens-Davidowitz , NZ Herald. Baroness Gabrielle Bertin, who was appointed by the UK government to lead a review of pornography backed the move. CBS News. However, The Louvre , Uffizi Gallery , and Museo del Prado sued Pornhub for copyright infringement, claiming that the museums had never "granted authorizations for the operation or use of the art. Archived from the original on 6 December Daily Dot. The New York Times. Pornographic video-sharing website owned by Aylo. Archived from the original on 28 April Retrieved 16 April

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