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In its statement, MindGeek said: "Anyone who attempts to post nonconsensual imagery or child sexual abuse material on the internet is a criminal, and we are committed to remaining at the forefront of the internet when it comes to the elimination of illegal content. Michael Pratt remains a fugitive on the FBI's most-wanted list , for both sex-trafficking crimes and the production of child pornography. I — I didn't — everybody had seen everything about me. The center added that it receives information from the public about suspected child sexual abuse imagery on MindGeek sites "on a daily basis. She couldn't look in a mirror for six months and drew into isolation, she said, fearful that people at her new school would recognize her. One of those victims is Aubrey, who is also using a pseudonym to protect her identity. In order to convince the women to take part, they were told that the job would be anonymous and that their videos would not be posted on the internet - instead being sent on physical media for release in a distant market. Girls Do Porn was a part of MindGeek's partner programmes until October , when the US Department of Justice effectively shut the porn producer down by arresting and charging its senior staff. In its statement, MindGeek said those reports represent approximately 4, unique incidents. But the company still does not require its users to verify the identity or age of those featured in its videos, something that's standard in the traditional porn industry. It comes as Pornhub finds itself cut off from customer payments amid a scandal over illegal content. CBS News spoke with four of the 34 women, including Isabella, who have joined a lawsuit against MindGeek, the company behind Pornhub and dozens of the world's most popular pornography websites.

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