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If one site can require FaceID or any sort of attestation then either some, all, or arbitrary sites can require the same. They say they would support secure verification, I guess like having a digital signature from an authority, like the government. Least of all centralized authority. It's not like a password that can be detached from physical reality. If they aren't on by default already for children, they could be. CapcomGo 23 hours ago parent prev next [—] This is a parenting issue, not a government issue. With the closure, the above law has no longer any practical effect but the cinema industry and TV broadcast still volunteer to honor it to some degree. I saw my stepfather fucking my mother, and I couldn't resist jerking off MariMoore. Even if every state started putting contactless chips into drivers licenses to provide anonymous age attestation, you'd still have the problem a kid can just use a parent's or older sibling's card. It's all fun and games, until it isn't. Veliladon 1 day ago parent prev next [—]. The Republicans want to performatively participate in their moral panic by asking for stupid age verification; meanwhile, the Democrats control tech and media, AI stonecolds prompts with "Trump" as "dangerous content", they want to ban everything off the Internet they don't like, and would oppress free speech with Canada's new hate speech laws if they could.

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