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View all newsletters Privacy Policy. Get a code sent to your email to sign in, or sign in using a password. January 27, 3 min read. Content created with:. Try a different email Send another code. Valentina Di Liscia. We all want humanity to have a happy ending! Enter the code you received via email to sign in, or sign in using a password. These initiatives follow the launch of a dedicated Bee Porn channel devoted to explicit images of honey bees foraging for nectar among erect plant stamens — all in aid of generating donations for honeybee organisations. This reinforces a message always worth repeating: in the world of image licensing, as in sex, consent matters. A Summer Solstice Tarotscope for the Art World For each solstice and equinox, Hyperallergic will present a tarotscope with a special focus on the arts and creative practice, to mark the turning of the seasons. The two-year project connected six visual art institutions across Europe in an innovative collaboration model.

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