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Danette Meyers, who become a spokesperson for her good friends, the family of Christiana Duarte, who was slain at the concert, said she worries that even if Congress does act, it will take time. Apr 29, AM in response to AppleUser See stories by Nina Totenberg. Ask a question Reset. It still remains unclear why precisely the Soviet Union decided to down a civilian Finnish passenger plane during peacetime. A longtime real estate developer, Chambers was appointed secretary of commerce by Holcomb following the resignation of Jim Schellinger. The gunman fired into an outdoor country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip, killing 58 people and wounding more than among the crowd of 22, Alvin Black, a tourist who was walking Friday on the Las Vegas Strip near the shooting site, said he likes handguns and has a shotgun at his home in North Carolina. Victor Link, 55, died soon after. Jun 25, PM in response to MickeWeinstock. Next story in Cancel. News From NPR.

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