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David Thomas. Germany United States. Jim Pillen to recall lawmakers to Lincoln for special session in late July. It featured reviews of porn movies , peep shows , erotic massage parlors , brothels , escorts and other local offerings of the adult entertainment industry. Independent Senate candidate Dan Osborn right answers questions from audience members during a townhall at the Lincoln Labor Temple on Tuesday. The bill's opponents, meanwhile, broadly cast Murman's proposal as a well-intended but ineffective route forward, highlighting widely accessible means of circumventing age verification tools while raising questions over privacy, government overreach and how the state might police compliance. Share This. The Guardian. Read Full Bio. New Tab , opens new tab. Karen Sloan. Goldstein was financially supported in his last years by his friend the illusionist Penn Jillette , on whose floor he once slept, and who admired Goldstein for his First Amendment activism.

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