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Forums New posts. Remember this was a originally supposed to be a "secret sex tape" that was going to be released without her knowledge even though it was a pro shot adult shoot with one of the top male adult performers -- and James even told them it wouldn't work -- but they paid him for his scene etc -- then she was seen leaving Vivid -- and James talked about being hired to shoot the scene so they asked him to pretend to be dating her and go to events and be seen in public together and he said forget it - now they are in full on damage control. Futa Elf fucked in the shower by boyfriend Farrah Reed. Vivid didn't didn't pay her a million -- LOL Nowhere even close. JavaScript is disabled. All Professional Homemade. Not as good as i thought it would be. All Comments 0 Login or Sign Up now to post a comment! The fake dialogue is more funny than sexual. You must log in or register to reply here. All HD. Part 2.

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