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Archived from the original on 12 January Yes No. Traffickinghub says it's "powered by" a religious organization called Exodus Cry, which has been criticized for its efforts to criminalize parts the sex industry and abolish pornography altogether. Paradise residents who relocated after wildfire still face extreme weather risks. The Next Web. Retrieved 9 January Save this story Save this story. Mickelwait sat down to type out a Twitter post. By the next morning, almost nothing was left of the house. XBIZ Newswire. Hidden categories: CS1 maint: unfit URL Webarchive template wayback links CS1 German-language sources de Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism Use Canadian English from August All Wikipedia articles written in Canadian English Use dmy dates from May Articles containing potentially dated statements from February All articles containing potentially dated statements Articles containing potentially dated statements from Commons category link from Wikidata Official website not in Wikidata. Further information: Malvertising.

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