Pornhub hacker

Pornhub hacker

Forgotten your password? Your email address will not be published. John Zorabedian is a blogger, copywriter and editor. Trending News. I would give some credence to the possibility of hacking the server via image upload because of the recently disclosed vulnerability in image magic. But it has been running quietly for more than a year — and the damage could have spread across the entire internet. And it works by infiltrating people's computer and then having their machine taken over, all without a users' knowledge. Cyber Crime Hacking News. Already subscribed? In my case, I was quite defensive, and I did a number of checks to make sure it was relay an image, before allowing it near image magic, but if the developers at Pornhub where not so careful, I can easily see how their site could be compromised via a profile picture upload. Pornhub was quick to respond to the flaw security report. The researcher reported the bug on May 30, a few weeks after Pornhub launched the bug competition.

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