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Pitzer College. Whole person care is unique. As with other humanities majors, your best preparation will be a broad spectrum of courses in all disciplines. Half the Sky reached No. Journalist author columnist. For full details, please click here. Kristof and WuDunn counter that the sweatshop model is a primary reason that Taiwan and South Korea, which accepted sweatshops as the price of development, are today modern countries with low rates of infant mortality and high levels of education, but India, which has generally resisted sweatshops, suffers from a high rate of infant mortality. I like to tell stories about people by blurring the lines between the private and the public life. One things led to another and I met eventually Stephan through a mutual friend. In particular, since he has written dozens of columns about Darfur and visited the area 11 times. On November 12, , Kristof made national headlines after he chased and tackled an intruder whom he discovered burglarizing his room at the Franklin Hotel near Independence Hall in Philadelphia. Non-necessary Non-necessary.

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