Pornhub is in reduced features mode

Pornhub is in reduced features mode

You can specify a list of sites that can connect to serial devices with specific vendor and product IDs. Specifies whether users can use quick unlock modes, including PIN and fingerprint, to unlock the lock screen on their ChromeOS device. Click multiple times to scroll faster. Control whether web pages read text out loud by using content distillation and text-to-speech synthesis. If you use security software setups that interfere with the sandbox, select Never sandbox the audio process. Lets you force or prevent users from printing headers and footers. Sometimes, users might still be prompted to enter their password. Lets you configure whether Chrome uses Google Translate, which offers content translation for web pages in languages not specified on a user's ChromeOS device. By default, Enable application bound encryption is selected. If you choose Disable desktop sharing hub , users no longer see the sharing icon in the sharing hub. To define a default printer for users, select Define the default printer. Get your childhood back.

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