Pornhub melon

Pornhub melon

There is a similarly named product that's been out for a few years called Spiked Melon Credit to ghettowine. Sign me up. This stuff had a tendency to cling to the sides of my tongue which was extremely unpleasant as it kept releasing time-locked bursts of metallic-tangy horror at three-second intervals. I live on the east coast of this big old country, specifically in Pennsylvania. Upon arriving in the city I thought that The Hub was possibly the "campus" liquor store where all the great developing young minds of tomorrow purchase their booze. Recommend this entry Has been recommended Send news. Post a new comment Error. Guess it could make nice gelatin. Store shelves have been mostly empty in the soda aisle the last few weeks the sodapocalypse?? To be fair, Absolut Cranberry is kinda terrible on its own. I contemplated the smaller bottles on the drive home wondering if the comparatively small volume of booze would in any way affect my evaluation, but didn't give it overly too much thought because driving on I is an exercise in mind-numbing stress without the added distraction of bum wine anticipation. My mother was vacationing in Maryland earlier in the year and brought home two bottles of that chlorine-cloudy swill at my behest, so I was expecting more of the same only with watermelon "flavor" in place of the familiar blue raspberry.

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