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They may have heard it referenced on the Stern show, seen it in clandestine copies of Hustler or Penthouse or watched it in movies see: Wild Things , Cruel Intentions and Showgirls right as their hormones were kicking in, full force. To begin with, women performing in mainstream lesbian scenes tend to look more like imaginary archetypes: long hair, big breasts, small waists, fake nails. Women who identify as lesbians also want to see people onscreen who look like their peer group. What is an average flaccid penis? Studies have shown that members of the kink community experience about the same rate of mental health issues as the general population, or even lower. For instance, Cade says, scissoring makes an appearance in mainstream lesbian porn much more than it tends to IRL. Consuming humiliation, in her mind, is perhaps a way for these men to embrace the uncomfortable fact that their penis is below average or relatively small. Such awareness could help those lesser-endowed, self-conscious men feel a little bit better about how they measure up. Lots of people think premature ejaculation is actually hot. Then again, the fact that straight men are so easily pleased is in many ways a win-win for Cade. Perusing these videos, pinky-sized gentlemen explore a place to feel proud of their privates — or welcome kinky humiliation. John, who on many occasions had female talent refuse to shoot with him over the size of his penis, was shocked.

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