Pornhub scandal

Pornhub scandal

Sign in with a password. The New Yorker interviewed several women who spent months trying to get Pornhub to remove videos they did not consent to sharing. Load More Comments. Their extremely bare-bones website exists, apparently, to promote this one video. Despite all that corporate blahblah, PornHub has faced a number of scandals related to the videos uploaded to its site. While the company acknowledged the severity of the accusations, it noted the campaign to crackdown on Pornhub comes from groups that have long campaigned against sex content of all kinds. One of the accused offenders in the case, Ruben Andre Garcia, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for his part in that coercion. Sign in with a password below, or sign in using your email. According to MindGeek, million people view its porn platforms every day. She writes about the intersection of psychology, belief, popular culture, science, I grasped immediately the implications of the task — that I would be seeing disturbing or illegal content — and decided I would quietly remove whatever video people asked me to without bothering to watch. Forty GirlsDoPorn performers sued PornHub for millions in for hosting these videos despite knowing that the women in them were not there consensually.

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