Pornhub statistic

Pornhub statistic

Jun 11, He has written about sexuality for 36 years. View Help Index. Read Newsweek's breakdown if you want to know more about how this kind of demographic information is compiled in the first place, and how it affects your internet privacy. Not only was it the search term that defined , Pornhub added 98, new verified amateur models to their roster. Posted March 15, Reviewed by Lybi Ma. These legal charges against Pornhub have largely been led by the Traffickinghub campaign, which was founded in partnership with the Evangelical Christian group Exodus Cry. Looking for ways to grow your network can be even harder during…. The company already revealed that social distancing has impacted traffic on the site, but there's been another sharp increase over the past week. By Naveen Kumar. In the time it takes to read this post, the site will have recorded more than , visits. Here, there are some fascinating insights into how the various generations consume porn differently, with Gen Z and boomers apparently having wildly divergent tastes.

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