Pornhub submission

Pornhub submission

Obsessive porn use is common and extremely unhealthy. Dan Ellsworth. March 24, She said 10 boys had messaged her, pressuring her to send them nude pictures in a single night. Pornography causes significant harm in ways the film simply glosses over. Girls Do Porn founder Michael James Pratt, who has been on the run for the last four years, was finally apprehended in December and is yet to face trial. She is a former high school English teacher and holds an M. Our Culture of Contempt. The DOJ should do this immediately. Furthermore, Pornhub cannot just apologize and move on, they should be held accountable for the decades of abuse and exploitation they profited from at the expense of hundreds of victims. We are seeing the horrors of this play out in many ways and Pornhub is only one prominent, but terrifying, example. Many wrote this reaction off as a political stunt or moral panic; however, pornography use has only continued to grow since then.

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