Pornhub sues texas

Pornhub sues texas

A federal judge in Austin agreed, ruling that the law ran afoul of the First Amendment by deterring adult access to sexually explicit, but legal, material. Texas and other states have put forward legislation requiring porn sites to impose age verification measures. Texas News. By Tyler J. State Rep. Joining with the Free Speech Coalition—an adult-industry trade coalition that's also challenging age-check laws in other states—it argues that Texas HB violates the First Amendment in multiple ways:. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Philip Jankowski has covered government, politics and criminal justice in Texas for 13 years. Greg Abbott signed in June , requires that websites containing "sexual material harmful to minors" confirm that users are at least 18 years old. Or with: Google. The fight over downtown San Antonio's Phipps Building takes a new turn. The age-verification question could eventually go to the Supreme Court.

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