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Paxton accused Pornhub of failing to abide by the age-verification law. As reported by the libertarian magazine Reason , similar spikes in interest in VPNs have been seen in six other states besides Texas where Pornhub and similar sites have blocked users due to age-verification laws. Pornhub posted a message that now greets visitors from Texas. Pornhub disabling access in Texas after ruling. Viral ted cruz. The party's page platform, which delegates approved during the party's annual state convention in San Antonio on May 25, contains several planks meant to cater to social conservatives. Under such a model, parents could enable a parental-control mechanism on devices that would alert websites — not just those with porn, but websites with non-pornographic content that parents may find objectionable — that a person using the device is under Check out all our membership levels here and please join us today! In announcing its ban, in effect through Sept. Join the news democracy Where your votes decide the Top Register Log in. Have your say in our news democracy. At least seven other states with Republican-led legislatures have proposed nearly identical laws this year.

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