Pornhub update

Pornhub update

You can reach Kids Helpline at 55 or chat online. The accusations against Pornhub are centered around three main issues: Pornhub fails to obtain proper consent from users when processing their highly sensitive personal data concerning their sex life and sexual orientation, despite being obligated to do so under article 9 of the GDPR. Pornhub Global Statistics. Help is available. This strategic litigation campaign has been framed under the name StopDataPorn. Amount Granted. In March , Tracking Exposed filed a legal report before the Italian data protection authority. While videos are the go-to choice, women surprisingly lean towards written pornography. Among them, Pornhub has consistently stood out as one of the most visited websites globally. Men, on the other hand, predominantly favor video-based pornography, showcasing distinct preferences within the medium. How do men and women differ in their porn consumption habits? While video content remains the undisputed champion of adult entertainment, an intriguing trend emerges: women are more inclined than men to indulge in written pornography.

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