Pornhub with story

Pornhub with story

A civil lawsuit against Pornhub has 30 plaintiffs; it is led by lawyer Michael Bowe. A hearing of the Parliament of Canada investigates non-consensual content on Pornhub. Photos See production info at IMDbPro. View More. So on that subject the documentary does not go beyond skin-deep, which is fitting. Producer Nicki Carrico , Suzanne Hillinger. So unless your fetish is 'off screen moaning': You'll have to get your rocks off elsewhere. The New York Times. All in all: Fine concept, subject matter warrants the attention, but the documentary just skims the surface and sits on the Netflix lineup just to draw in people, I fear. Additionally, sex workers raise issues they face from other internet companies. Skippable, unless you missed the Times article "The Children of Pornhub" or want to avoid reading it.

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