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Let's dispense with the idea that you can—or even should—help him break his habit once and for all. Jim Pillen. It's only going to result in diminishing returns for the both of you, plus who has that kind of time? You might, too. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. First of all, J, let me tell you one thing I know for sure: Literally everybody seems depressed and disconnected, and they seem that way because they are. By: Aaron Sanderford - June 20, am. Dear Dave, I think my boyfriend is addicted to porn. What Should I Say to Him? The company and other critics of LB said porn users in the other states where such laws have been passed still seek out what they want. Carol Blood of Bellevue and other critics warned during debate that the state should not require such personal information to be shared with porn websites. Urge him to talk about his feelings, with you and with a therapist.

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