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Williams, herself, also took to social media to poke fun at the moment that divided fans. But first…. I like variety. Which will make for some fun family conversations. She is right, as we will learn when they're both thrown in High Sparrow jail for his dalliance. Euron Greyjoy slips back into his leather pants while he and Cersei have a post-coital interlude. Asked how he likes it, the very dom Oberyn says, "My way. COM Instagram. A Sand Snake teases Bronn by stripping after he negs her and says she's not "the most beautiful woman" he's ever seen. Ellaria picks a female prostitute for herself while Oberyn insists on enjoying the pleasures of Olyvar, the most famous and possibly only gay male escort in King's Landing. The liberated bisexual couple makes it clear to everyone how liberated they really are by fooling around with young, supple prostitutes of both genders, before their sex is rudely interrupted. The Princess and the Queen 7.

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