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The defendants argued that individual plaintiffs had an adequate incentive to pursue claims on their own because the statutes at issue allow substantial damages. As a pizza-faced pubescent who spent most of his time inside and would rather be reading a book, awkward mutterings were my primary mode of communication. Skip to main content. Previous Newscasts. The law firm handling an independent civil investigation into the Michael Kelly sex abuse case has announced an investigation into allegations of sex crimes by Roland Grise Middle School band teacher Peter Frank. Load More. Peter Frank, a band teacher at Roland Grise Middle School, has been suspended without pay from his role with New Hanover County Schools, after being charged with a dozen felony sex crimes. To underscore that point, they shared a video compilation with several of the former students who say Kelly abused them, and the mothers of two victims. Sexual harassment survey given to NHCS middle, high school students makes national headlines. Aylo also sent a link to a statement about resolution of a month investigation of entities and affiliates of Aylo Holdings. Updated Nov. This comes at a time when the district is being sued for failing to stop teachers from sexually abusing students, despite warning signs and complaints from parents about concerning behavior by some teachers.

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