Serena pornhub

Serena pornhub

Images in this review. Sort reviews by Top reviews Most recent Top reviews. Make Money with Us. After my article, readers helped Serena get housing, education and legal help, and she also sued MindGeek, the company that owns Pornhub and other porn websites, along with Visa, which MindGeek depends on to make money. Plaintiff claims that MindGeek did these things for money, and Visa knowingly offered up its payment network so that MindGeek could satisfy that goal. We should hold major international companies accountable when they try to profit from child rape. Substack is the home for great culture. This is not just a story about the titalating porn industry, it's her personal journey that can be related to in a small or large way. Copy link. ISBN Audible Download Audiobooks. Ready for more?

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