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They'd literally be middle-of-the-pack social democrats in most of western europe. Let me address your last point first. The media is now so sensationalized and commercial that it is impossible for a non sensational news media to exist without governmental support. Well, no. I don't think there's many generalizations at the level you're making that are anything remotely close to reality. Sure, it's open to argument - but if peer pressure and your closest authorities are pushing you into the addiction, then what? A centrist. They screwed this up, monumentally, but that's not the reason why. Underneath the witty tweets, artfully crafted statements, and glowing press is a tech company that has acted according to principles antithetical to the ideals it espouses in its branding. We left it truly plain and effortless that you love an assortment of gonzo XXX vids , our free-for-all porn hub enables you observe an assortment of niche videos at no cost. That makes it worse than porn in my opinion because it's more insidious. What gives bigotry wings isn't the active bigots - it's the nominal liberals unwilling to stand up and tell the bigot to get lost.

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